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Ref: ifpriltr\rls-8331







Dear All

Leslie J. Ford

President - IFPRI

Office G1 Waterloo Centre

Waterloo Road


Cheshire WAS OPR


Telephone: 0151-420-1850

Fax: 0151-424-1495

15th August 1998

Ref: RLS-8331



As there has been a fairly large change to company representatives over the last year or two, and

you are about to have a change in Presidency, I thought it would be a good idea if everyone had

a copy of the various roles for members representatives, which is a useful guide to the IFPRI


This listing of roles and responsibilities has been produced in order that all members and their

representatives may maximise their interaction with IFPRI and achieve the best output for their

company from membership.

The definition of the various roles will, it is hoped, help new members to focus on the issues

involved when elections for officers and committee members takes place at the annual meeting.

The definition of the technical roles will assist us to achieve outstanding member company

representation on all technical matters providing these guide-lines are actively followed.

If, therefore, there are any suggestions for changes to the job definitions or additions which you

think would improve our performance, the President and Chairman of the EC and TC will

welcome them.

Yours sincerely

The Registered Agent and Office

CSC United States Corporation Company

1013 Centre Road, Wilmington

n",l"w"rQ 1 QAn<;_1?Q7 II~A

Home address: 2 High View, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 9LP England

Telephone 01928 723886






Board Representatives (ED) Role Description

To attend the Annual IFPRI meeting in June each year.

The BD representative is a Director of IFPRI nominated by each company and is the

contact point used by the President for discussion of contract renewal, signing of

membership documents, and other IFPRI management issues.

Collectively the members of the BD meet once per year at the Annual Meeting to elect the

officers of IFPRI and the members of the Executive committee (EC) and to approve the

actions of the EC as recorded in the EC minutes.

This activity always takes place as the first forma! meeting of IFPRI in June (the Sunday

preceding the technical session).

The role of the BD representative from IFPRI's point of view beyond the formal activities

above is to assist the technical representative in ensuring a wide dissemination of IFPRI

research around his/her company.

To encourage company management to send appropriate technical representatives to

IFPRI meetings beyond the nominated TAC representative and generally to help IFPRI

maintain a long term relationship with his/her company. Too often the IFPRI membership

is dependant on the single internal champion from a company. When a representative

moves on a natural replacement who knows what IFPRI does and how it operates is not

readily available. This is not good for the Company of IFPRI. Succession planning

benefits all parties.

There is also an important role in ensuring that IFPRI is studying key technologies which

are important to your company. The BD representative shares the responsibility with the

T AC representative for ensuring that IFPRI is informed of your company needs.

To approve the Budget and other management decisions, with leadership from the EC on

the final day of the Annual Meeting.

The Members of the Executive Committee (EC) Seven Members.

Members are annually elected by the BD representatives from their number. The Chairman

and Vice Chairman of the Board are e!ected individually and are by virtue of office

Members of the EC.


To meet at the Annual Meeting and in December each year to consider all aspects of IFPRI

activity and to act on behalf of the Board of Directors on all matters pertaining to IFPRI

operation and management between Board Meetings.

To set the IFPRl Budget for the forthcoming year.



To direct the actions of the President and other Officers.

To lead the Board of Directors in managing all aspects of IFPRI.

To ensure that IFPRl conforms to all company requirements e.g., IRS returns, registration,

audit as a not for profit company registered in Delaware, USA.


The President is the chief executive officer of IFPRl. Appointed annually by the Board.

The office as such carries no remuneration.

the President is contracted to provide all office services to IFPRI and maintain all records

of transaction.

All decisions of IFPRl whether managerial or technical are dealt with and acted on by the

President in accord with the formal resolutions of the BD or the TAC or its committees.

Subject only to the formal decisions above those of the EC and personal direction by the

Chairman of the Board in periods between meetings the President exercises his initiative in

promoting and managing all aspects of IFPRI's organisation, including its financial affairs.

Vision, leadership and high quality management skills are required.

The President is the only Officer who may sign cheques upon his own authority up to a

limit specified by the Board. Above this limit an additional signature is required.

The By-Laws of IFPRI as a Company are maintained by the President and he advises the

Board when changes are required and guides the Board to ensure compliance.

The Chairman of the Board

This is the senior elected officer of the Company.

He/she is by virtue of office in the Chair at all BD and EC meetings. Anyone seeking this

office has to give priority to attending the Annual Meeting and the December EC meeting.

The role requires considerable vision and leadership and an ability to be receptive to all

views and bring forth a consensus.

The Chairman acts on behalf of the BD and EC in all matters between formal meetings and

is responsible for directing the President during these periods.

Close cooperation with the President is essential.

The ability to manage oneself, a large meeting and a complex agenda and achieve clear

decisions are key qualities required by this office.

The Vice Chairman of the Board

The holder is an ex officio member of the EC.

In the event of the Chairman's absence, all the Chairman's responsibilities devolve to the

Vice Chairman.

The qualities required are as those for the Chairman for which the holder of the office

would be the natural replacement.

The Executive Vice President

In the event of death or incapacity of the President this officer would take over the running

of the IFPRI office until such time as the President recovers or a new President is


By virtue of the foregoing the holder of this office must reside as near as possible to the

current President's office.

The By-Laws do not require this person to be a member of the EC, only of the Board of

Directors. However, practical considerations dictate that this role must be held by a

member of the EC and anyone elected to this office is always put forward for election to

the EC.

The person appointed must be sufficiently senior in their/her own organisation that

administering IFPRI affairs on a care and maintenance basis is a practical possibility.

The SecretarY/Treasurer

This appointment is made annually.

The holder retains the Company seal and is responsible for applying it to formal Company


He takes the minutes of the B 0 and EC meetings but has no vote.

He is responsible for certifying that the accounts of IFPRI are correct as presented and

liaising with the Auditors to this effect.

The holder of this office undertakes any contact with IFPRI's Bankers which cannot be

conveniently handled by the President.

Needs to be located geographically near to the IFPRI's Bank, must attend the Annual

Meeting and December EC meeting. It is usually an member of an existing IFPRI

company but is not a company representative.

Other Officers

There are an Assistant Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary.

These appointments are made on the advice of the President and Secretary/Treasurer

respectively, as these officers act solely as counter signatories for cheques. Ideally they

should be professional accountants. They have no other duties.

The officers are appointed annually.



Vice President -Industrial and Academic Liaison

This ot11ce is a relatively recent development of IFPRI's management. The principal

objective is to ensure that all Research Associates (RA) especially new grantees are aware

of the terms of their grant and clear on their objectives.

A second important role is to assist the Technica! Committee Chairman and the President

to manage and direct the Technical Programme. Specifically the holder attends and takes

minutes of all Technical Meetings. He responds direct!y to the President.

The VP provides an annual report in time for the Annual Meting which contains a strategy

review, the White Paper (a commentary on al research reports received, reports on his

visits to RA's and any new research proposals). This is compulsory reading for all the


Qualities required by the holder of this ot11ce are a wide background knowledge of Particle

Technology, considerable industria! experience in the area and a good understanding of

how IFPRI operates. The holder is likely to be an ex industria! member of IFPRI. He/she

must be a good networker.

Technical Advisorv Committee Representative (T AC)

Each member company appoints a TAC representative.

The T AC representative must attend the Annual Meeting each year to effectively represent

his/her company's interests.

Should circulate IFPRI Technica! Reports to other staff members within his/her company

and devise effective means for ensuring IFPRI research is known, understood and used

within their company (networking) within his/her company.

To obtain feed back from the preceding process and advise IFPRI of key issues which need

to be addressed either within existing programmes or by new programmes. This is a vital

activity if IFPRI is to meet the needs of member companies.

Should endeavour to meet all other company representatives and RA's at the Annual

Meeting (networking at the AGM).

To elect from their numbers the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the T AC who by virtue of

office are members of the Technica! Committee (TC).

To elect all other members of the TC (at the Annua! Meeting).

To respond to questionnaires and other TC activity to ensure that their company's views

are known on all issues.

Collectively the members agree and confirm the research programme with leadership from

the TC.

All the representatives must read VP's Annual Report before the Annual Meeting.


The Chairman of the TC

Appointed annually from those designated as TAC representatives.

tv'Iust be able to attend the Annual Meeting and be present at the December EC meeting,

and at the March TC meetings.

A major technical leadership role is required with good skills in managing a large meeting

trying to make complex technical decisions. Must have a wide experience of the

technology and be familiar with IFPRI organisation and objectives.

In addition the holder of this office has all the roles of a normal T AC representative.

Close liaison with the President and Vice President Industrial - Academic Liaison IS

required to ensure the efficient execution of the technical programme.

Vice Chairman of the TC

Appointed annually.

Must be able to attend Annual Meetings and the March TC meetings.

Stands in for the Chairman in his/her absence and requires all the attributes of the

Chairman for whom he/she is the natural successor.

TC Representatives

Elected annually by the T AC members from their number.

To assist and advise the TC Chairman such that as a collective committee they arrive at

decisions on the Technical Programme which will command the widest support by T AC

representatives and committee. This requires extensive networking at the Annual Meeting

and beyond.

they must be able to attend the Annual Meeting and either the European or US meeting of

the TC in March.

Must be prepared to take the leadership role in at least one technical area of IFPRI activity

and be active in ensuring that their part of the programme is effective, of high quality and

meets the widest needs of member companies.

Be prepared to lead sessions of the Annua! Meeting for their technical area and assist the

TC Chairman to prepare and conduct all technical aspects of the IFPRI Annual Meeting.

Be prepared to expose their own methods for effective networking of IFPRI research to

other members.

Maintain close contact with Research Associates, particularly in their area of expertise to

clarify, recommend and help focus their research efforts. Should maintain close liaison

with the VP for Industrial - Academics Liaison.


The TC representative must not only represent his/her companies interests but must also

strive to ensure the widest consensus on the total programme. The representative should

be a good listener as well as an etTective decision maker.

The Advisors

The Advisors are appointed by the Board upon the advice of the EC and Te.

Their role is to advise the IC on all matters technical, suggest names for researchers and to

ensure that the TC is aware of world wide issues.

They are three in number at present to cover the main geographical areas of IFPRI

Research Associates i.e., Europe, Japan, andJJ-8A. 11/;',<r;./ ii.Nif:'/:~!

They are eminent academics with a wide technical knowledge in particle technology.

They must attend the Annual ~'feeting and should attend all the TC meetings in their

geographical province.

they have a right to be heard in all TC and TAC meetings but they do not have a vote.

At the Annual Meeting one of their number runs a meeting for all Research Associates

(RA's) and Consultants to unearth any issues of substance and to obtain input from the

RA's on any issues referred to them by the Te.


The Consultants are appointed by vote of the T AC upon advice of the TC, based on

expertise relevant to the current IFPRI programme.

Their role is to advise the Chairman of the TC or the Chairman of the programme area

relevant to their expertise.

They do not have a right of audience at the TC meetings and if present at TC meetings by

invitation may not vote.

Their input is most valuable on the quality of current research, potential researchers for

new areas and for an in depth knowledge base in their technology area.

Research Associates (RA's)

An RA is in receipt of an IFPRI grant initially issued on the basis of a research prospectus.

He/she must endeavour to carry out the research to achieve their agreed objectives but is

expected to feed back to the TAC, desirable changes in direction, important challenges in

the technology and be receptive to technology transfer from other areas, over R period of

time. Initially 3 years.

Must attend the Annual Meeting and present a report, unless prevented by force majeur

and are encouraged to bring his/her researcher along.

Important that the RA networks with other RA's and members during the Annual Meeting.


-- -

Should liaise with the \rp Industrial - Academic Liaison on all problems, or opportunities

for change.

Should produce the annual written report of progress on time.

Collaborators and Reviewers

These receive minor grants for defined activity of not more than one years duration.

Usually shorter.

They must attend the Annual Meeting to report their findings.

They should produce a suitable report at the conclusion of their study.

The Nominating Committee

This consists of three people chosen from either BD or TAC representatives by the

Chairman of the Board.

One of their number is appointed Chairman.

The role of this committee is to propose a slate of candidates for all the otlicers and elected


The Nominating Committee Chairman sends out a pro forma each year, usually in March,

to all representatives on the BD or T AC. Each recipient is requested to record his vote for

either an incumbent or replacement and where vacancies occur to suggest names.

Because of IFPRI's wide geographical spread, there may be specific zona! requirements to

maintain a balance of interests on the committees. This committee issues those guide-lines.

The committee meets at the Annual Meeting with the Chairman of the Board, the

Chairman of the TAC and the President, and where possible presents a slate of candidates

for election. For some positions a consensus is not apparent or may not be possible from

the March pro forma selections and voting papers are prepared so that the election

procedures are as smooth as possible at the Annual Meeting.

None of this prevents or is intended to prevent any member nominating him or herself for

any office for which he/she may be qualified or from nominating any other person for

office, which may be done from the floor of the relevant election meeting.

Members who already hold any office (other than Chairman of EC and TC and the

President) or other elected position may not be members of this committee.

The principal requirement of a committee member is that he/she has been present at two

Annual Meetings so that they know the members eligible.