IFPRI Vice President's Job Description

Vice President Industry University Liaison

Role and Revised Job Description


The following document has been prepared with the encouragement of the President to reflect

more accurately the purpose, role and activities of this position. It is timely to do this within an

IFPRI community which is much larger than when the position was first created and where the

pressures on company representatives have changed the extent and duration of their input to

eg the TC.

I. Scope and Purpose

a. The VP supports and assists the TC Chair and Members and works with the

President on all aspects of the development, management and communication of IFPRI

technical activities.

b. He provides an essential element of continuity in all aspects of the technical

programme in a regime where TC personnel change on a frequent basis.

c. He promotes IFPRI throughout both the industrial and academic communities

2. Activities/Dimensions

a. Strategic Development - assist in the development of a research strategy across all

the subject areas by:

i. Highlighting opportunities for change in the forward programme

ii. IdentifYing members needs through discussion, surveys etc

iii. Contributing own experience and expertise to determine strategy

b. Initiate new projects both directly and in collaboration with the TC:

i. Research and define key issues, project scopes and potential contributors

ii. Prepare and issue briefs and solicit proposals in time to meet key decision

points. Guide proposers in the preparation of their proposals.

iii. Brief new researchers on their role within IFPRI

c. Coordinate the management of existing projects

i. Collate and monitor all inputs on the current status of all projects

ii. Communicate, discuss and resolve where possible issues arising with

individual projects and/or researchers

iii. Report results to the TAC

d. Communication

i. Act as Secretary to the TC and T AC, collecting and identifYing issues to be

determined and reporting the outcomes. Coordinate the Europe and US TC


ii. Prepare the Annual Research Report which gives a detai led overview of the

history and status of the current years technical programme.

iii. Compile the VP Annual report and White paper. This is primarily a

comprehensive briefing document for the Annual Meeting. It comprises up to

date summaries of all projects, outlines all issues to be determined by the TAC

(with TC recommendations where available), includes reports of all relevant

visits made by the VP and presents all proposals for new projects under


iv. Conduct personal visits

(I) Introduce new researchers to IFPRI, ensure they understand and

are happy with both the project and IFPRI requirements and obtain

background information on researcher/environment.

(2) Discuss, understand and resolve if possible issues arising with

proj ectslresearchers.

(3) Courtesy visits as convenient with (I) and (2)

v. Evaluate and develop alternative means of communication to assist members

and promote IFPRI

(I) IFPRI poster

(2) IFPRI Web site

e. Maintain and develop awareness of advances across all subject areas by attending

key Particle Technology technical meetings

3. ResoUiTes

a. Time. The activities described require in excess of 100 days per year. (Note: current

job definition allows 50 days)

b. Facilities (Note: IFPRI provides no supportfor the provision or operation (!!these


i. Extensive and reliable communication facilities including phone, fax, e-mail

and access to the Internet.

ii. Reliable travel planning and support facilities

iii. Good general office facilities for producing and copying high quality

documents and storing IFPRI related documentation

E R Place I 5 May 1998

VP Budget Proposal 1997-98


To WhToOmTAL Location



1408 ) Clausthal

320 Widnes/LJF

Kalyon Stevens

Case Western

1922 ) Rutgers

Mecholsky PTF) Ir-

2880 Florida

Wypych Wollongong

2800 Queensland


TC Europe352 Heathrow

1130 NJIT

IChemE R9e1s2earCcahrdiEffvent

368 Loughborough

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