Deliquoring of Solvent-Wet Cakes with Strong Liquid-Solid Interactions

Publication Reference: 
Author Last Name: 
Harald Anlauf
Report Type: 
SAR - Review
Research Area: 
Wet Systems
Publication Year: 
Publication Month: 

As a summary can be stated, that deliquoring of filter cakes is an complex issue. At

first the knowledge about the physical fundamentals of cake deliquoring is necessary

but in addition many random conditions have to be considered to find an economical,

effective and sustainable solution for the separation problem. This means, that not

only the whole process chain from slurry production to the final cake removal has to

be taken into account, but in addition one has to check which apparatus fulfills all

preconditions optimally. Recent developments for several cake filter apparatuses

have improved the state of the art remarkably especially with focus on the cake

deliquoring. Further ideas, which are investigated in recent and actual research

projects could lead to further progress. Theory provides many approaches from

relatively simple to highly sophisticated concepts for the explanation of the relevant

filter cake deliquoring phenomena. In this review the focus is not on an overview of

all these concepts but practically proved models will be taken to illustrate the

correlation of the relevant influencing parameters.