2025 IFPRI Annual General Meeting

Event Date: 
June 15, 2025 to June 19, 2025
Target Audience: 
IFPRI Members and Invited Guests
Event Details: 

The 47th IFPRI Annual General Meeting will be held at the Vilage Club Mileade in Carry le Rouet (outside of Marseille, France) on June 15-19, 2025.  The meeting will include presentations from invited speakers, IFPRI sponsored reviewers, and IFPRI sponsored academics.  As always, the membership will discuss new areas to be funded and vote on the program renewals and new programs to be funded.

As always we will have our Business Meeting prior to the AGM and it will be a virtual meeting held on June 4, 2025 from 8-10 am CDT (Chicago time).  Please note that the date on the attached agenda is incorrect.  

Please register for the hotel using the limk provided on this page.  We have reserved 70 single rooms and 20 suites (2 bedrooms and a shared bath) for a total of 110 rooms for the meeting.  The cost for either a single or a suite is $140/night.  We will be registering through IFPRI and you will pay IFPRI (Willie Hendrickson) by credit card upon arrival at the hotel.