IFPRI Grinding Workshop

Event Date: 
June 13, 2025
Target Audience: 
IFPRI Members and Invited Guests
Event Details: 

This is a two day workshop that will be held on June 13 and 14, 2025 at the Carry le Rouet Village Club Resort outside of Marseille France.  The workshop will comprise five sections:

I. Grinding Fundamentals

II. Industrial view on State of the Field

III. Simulations

IV. Selected Material and Process Focus

V. Conclusion and Summary

A preliminary agenda is attached to this site.

Please Note:  Hotel reservations are through IFPRI.  All rooms are $140/night single or double occupancy.  For the workshop we have 50 rooms avialable.  When you register on the link you will recieve a confirmation from Willie Hendrickson (whendrickson@aveka.com).  Payment will be by credit card to IFPRI upon arrival.

Event Agenda: