A Review of the IFPRI Suspension Rheology Programme 1980 – 2003

Publication Reference: 
Author Last Name: 
Howard A. Barnes
Report Type: 
SAR - Review
Research Area: 
Wet Systems
Publication Year: 
Publication Month: 
United Kingdom
Publication Notes: 


On a personal level, this exercise has been a fascinating experience in many ways. First, it has been a reminder of my early close involvement with IFPRI and its aims and aspirations (until a certain senior manager thought otherwise), and also Unilever’s early connection in the person of my first boss, Brian Yates. Then it has been a challenge to take a sideways look at how suspension rheology has evolved since I got deeply involved with the aid of Les Ford (an ex-IFPRI president) in the subject of dispersion rheology via the Royal Society of Chemistry. Last, it has been another opportunity to look again at the work of colleagues who have made an enormous contribution to the field of dispersion/suspension rheology.