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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Role of Short Range Forces in the Precipitation of Uniform Particles Zukoski ARR Particle Formation 1993
Fundamental Studies of Particle Growth and Structure During Powder Synthesis Flagan ARR Particle Formation 1993
The Role of Interparticle Forces in the Gas Fluidization of Fine Powders Geldart FRR Powder Flow 1993
Bubble and Elutriation Control in Fluidized Beds with Electric Fields Colver ARR Powder Flow 1993
Turbulent Gas-Particle Flow in Risers Jackson ARR Powder Flow 1993
Computer Simulation of Particle Fracture Campbell ARR Size Reduction 1993
Particle Breakage with High Velocity Air Jets Dodds ARR Size Reduction 1993
Impact Attrition of Particulate Solids Ghadiri ARR Size Reduction 1993
Scale-up Procedures and Test Methods in Solid/LiquidSeparation Wakeman ARR Wet Systems 1993
Suspension Rheology Project Mewis ARR Wet Systems 1993
Structure and Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions Russel ARR Wet Systems 1993
Prediction Scale up Procedures and Test Methods in Solid/Liquid Separation White FRR Wet Systems 1993
Optical Rheometry of Suspensions Fuller ARR Wet Systems 1993
Particle Size Standard Materials (Transparent and black) Masuda ARR Characterisation 1993
Precipitation of Uniform Sub-micron Particles Zukoski FRR Particle Formation 1992
Fundamental Studies of Particle Growth and Structure During Powder Synthesis Flagan FRR Particle Formation 1992
Interparticle Forces in Fine Particle Fluidization Geldart ARR Particle Formation 1992
The Effervescent Atomization of High Viscosity, Non-Newtonian Multiphase Fluids Sojka ARR Particle Formation 1992
Bubble and Elutriation Control in Fluidized Beds with Electric Fields Colver ARR Powder Flow 1992
Turbulent Gas-Particle Flow in Risers Jackson ARR Powder Flow 1992
