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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Particle Characterisation Part II Leschonski SAR Characterisation 1989
Review of Research in Particle Formation: Precipitation from the Liquid Phase Zukoski SAR Particle Formation 1988
Agglomeration of Particle Systems in Fluidised Beds: Low Temperature Granulation Tardos FRR Powder Flow 1988
The Flow of Fine Powders Nedderman ARR Powder Flow 1988
Characterisation and Prediction of Powder Flow Geldart ARR Powder Flow 1988
Unification of Wet, Intermediate and Dry Granular Flow - A Theoretical Approach Buggisch SAR Powder Flow 1988
Some Observations on the Possible Application of Fracture Mechanics to Particle Breakage Isherwood SAR Size Reduction 1988
Attrition of Bulk Particulate solids Bridgwater FRR Size Reduction 1988
Suspension Rheology Mewis FRR Wet Systems 1988
Fundamental Research on Solid/liquid Separation Somasundaran ARR Wet Systems 1988
Stability of Suspensions of Ultrafine Particles Higashitani ARR Wet Systems 1988
IFPRI Design Guide A. Non Colloidal Suspensions B. Colloidal Suspensions Tatis SAR Wet Systems 1988
Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions Russel FRR Wet Systems 1988
The Measurement of Mechanical Powder Properties at High Temperature Jimbo ARR Characterisation 1988
Characterizations of Fine particles Leschonski SAR Characterisation 1988
Agglomeration of Particle Systems in Fluidised Beds Tardos ARR Powder Flow 1987
Characterisation and Prediction of Powder Flow Geldart ARR Powder Flow 1987
Attrition of Bulk Particulate Solids Bridgwater ARR Size Reduction 1987
Suspension Rheology 1985-88 Mewis ARR Wet Systems 1987
Fundamental Research on Solid/Liquid Separation Somasundaran ARR Wet Systems 1987
