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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Size Reduction of Particles Brakel SAR Size Reduction 1981
A State of the Art Review for the Two Additional R & D Projects of Particle Technology in Japan Iinoya SAR Size Reduction 1981
Phase 3 Slurry Rheology Akers ARR Wet Systems 1981
Hydraulic Deliquoring of Compressible Filter Cakes Tiller ARR Wet Systems 1981
Hydraulic Deliquoring of Compressible Filter Cakes Tiller ARR Wet Systems 1981
Flow of Highly Concentrated Fine Particulate Slurries Through Complex Geometries Turian ARR Wet Systems 1981
Classification of Particles in Gases Leschonski SAR Characterisation 1981
Particle Characterisation Bibliography Treasure SAR Characterisation 1981
Particle Characterisation Anon SAR Characterisation 1981
The Estimation of Surface Area by Gas Adsorption Jaycock SAR Characterisation 1981
Electrical Characterisation of Powders Anon ARR Characterisation 1981
A State of the Art Review for the Four R & D Projects of Particle Technology in Japan Iinoya SAR Size Reduction 1980
Relating Compaction Performance and Behavior to Process Conditions Zavaliangos ARR
Experimental Rapid Shear Louge FRR Powder Flow
Rapid Shear Flow of Granular Materials Sundaresan FRR Powder Flow
Turbulent Gas-Particle Flow in Vertical Risers Jackson FRR Powder Flow
Nanorheology and Fine Powder Flow Granick FRR Powder Flow
Research in Solid-Liquid Separation Somasundaran FRR Wet Systems
The Dispersion of Powder Agglomerates in Liquid Systems Parfitt ARR Wet Systems
In-situ Characterization of the Microstructure of Particle Surfaces and their Interaction Forces by Atomic Force Microscope Higashitani FRR Characterisation
