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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Structure and Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions Russel ARR Wet Systems 1987
Suspension Rheology 1985-88 Mewis ARR Wet Systems 1987
High Temperature Electrostatics Bailey SAR Characterisation 1987
Agglomeration of Particle Systems in Fluidized Beds Tardos ARR Particle Formation 1986
Sorting in Gas Fluidised Beds Leschonski SAR Powder Flow 1986
Flow of Fine Powders Nedderman ARR Powder Flow 1986
Dry Dispersion and Size Classification of Submicron Powders Masuda ARR Powder Flow 1986
Particle Attrition Vervoorn FRR Size Reduction 1986
Attrition of Bulk Particulate Solids Bridgwater ARR Size Reduction 1986
Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions Russel ARR Wet Systems 1986
Fundamental Research on Particle/ Liquid Separation Somasundaran ARR Wet Systems 1986
Suspension Rheology Mewis ARR Wet Systems 1986
Agglomeration in Fluidized Beds Tardos FRR Particle Formation 1985
Development of a Method of Characterising the Flow of Aerated Powders Lloyd FRR Powder Flow 1985
Estimation of Powder Yield Locus and Its Application to Design Makino FRR Powder Flow 1985
The Flow of Aerated Powders Nedderman FRR Powder Flow 1985
Attrition of Bulk Particulate Solids Bridgwater FRR Size Reduction 1985
Dispersion of Powder Agglomerates in Liquid Systems Parfitt ARR Wet Systems 1985
Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions Russel ARR Wet Systems 1985
Suspension Rheology Mewis FRR Wet Systems 1985
