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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Agglomeration of Particle Systems in Fluidized Beds Phase 5 Tardos ARR Particle Formation 1984
The Flow of Aerated Powders Nedderman ARR Powder Flow 1984
Wall Pressure Increase Due to Slight Impacts on a Vessel Wall Yuu ARR Powder Flow 1984
The Flow of Aerated Powders Deaeration of Powders in Bunkers Nedderman FRR Powder Flow 1984
Estimation Method of Mechanical Properties of Powder Bed Processes and its Application to Particulate Processes Makino ARR Powder Flow 1984
Aerated Flow of Powders Lloyd ARR Powder Flow 1984
Attrition of Bulk Particulate Solids Bridgwater ARR Size Reduction 1984
Particle Attrition Vervoorn ARR Size Reduction 1984
Suspension Rheology 1982-1985 Mewis ARR Wet Systems 1984
Flow of Concentrated Fine Particulate Slurries Through Complex Geometries Turian ARR Wet Systems 1984
Sorting by Sieving and Air Classification Leschonski ARR Characterisation 1984
Agglomeration of Particle Systems in Fluidized Beds Phase 4 Tardos ARR Particle Formation 1983
The Flow of Aerated Powders Nedderman ARR Powder Flow 1983
Mechanical Properties of Powder And Methods of Their Estimation Makino ARR Powder Flow 1983
The Flow of Aerated Powders State of the Art Review Nedderman SAR Powder Flow 1983
A New Simple Equation For Obtaining The Strain Distribution of a Granular Bed Masuda ARR Powder Flow 1983
Aerated Flow of Powders Lloyd ARR Powder Flow 1983
Attrition of Bulk Particulate Solids Bridgwater ARR Size Reduction 1983
Attrition Studies Beddow ARR Size Reduction 1983
Studies on Abrasive and Erosive Wear of Materials by Particle in Japan Hashimoto SAR Size Reduction 1983
