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Title Author Last Name Report Type Research Area Publication Year
Multi-Scale Approach to Modeling and Control of High-Medium Shear Batch Granulation: Pilot Plant Experiments and Model Development Doyle ARR Particle Formation 2007
Encapsulation and Release Mohwald SAR Particle Formation 2007
Dynamics and Rheology of Cohesive and Deformable Granular Materials, Jamming and Flow in a Hopper Behringer ARR Powder Flow 2007
Draft Report: Nanomilling of Inorganic Particles in Different Solvents in Stirred Media Mills Peukert FRR Size Reduction 2007
Milling of Organic Solids Ding ARR Size Reduction 2007
Surface Chemistry at High Ionic Strength Craig ARR Characterisation 2007
3-D Size & Shape Characterization of Particles Pirard ARR Characterisation 2007
Characterization of Interparticle Forces for Predicting Powder Flow Israelachvili SAR Characterisation 2007
Fundamental Aspects Of Solvent Effects In Crystallisation Processes Davey ARR Particle Formation 2006
Multi-Scale Approach to Modeling and Control of High-Medium Shear Batch Granulator: Control Algorithm Development Doyle ARR Particle Formation 2006
Toward a Grand Challenge in Powder Flows: The Effect of Material Properties, Boundary Conditions and Shear Rate on Fluctuations and Stress Fields in Flowing Powders. Tardos ARR Powder Flow 2006
Nanomilling in Organic Solvents in Stirred Media Mills and Microstructural Analysis with Whole Powder Pattern Modelling (WPPM) Peukert ARR Size Reduction 2006
Milling of Organic Solids Ding ARR Size Reduction 2006
Sub Micron Particle Production in Stirred Media Mills Kwade FRR Size Reduction 2006
IFPRI Project Attractive/Gelling Systems Mewis ARR Wet Systems 2006
Measurement of Surface Interaction Forces of Minerals at High Ionic Strength Craig ARR Characterisation 2006
Powder Structure Characterization Stepanek SAR Characterisation 2006
3D Size and Shape Characterization of Particles Pirard ARR Characterisation 2006
Multi-Scale Approach to Modeling and Control of High-Medium Shear Batch Granulator Doyle ARR Particle Formation 2005
Fundamental Aspects Of Solvent Effects In Crystallisation Processes Davey ARR Particle Formation 2005
